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Category: PHPnuke
PHPnuke --> VBB

is there any way that i could transfer my existing members from my PHPNUKE to my new Vbulletin 2 forum???

Well, I did it manually. However, the passwords of nuke are encrypted. So I set the password as the member name. After importing the users, I sent a "mass" mail telling them about the move providing the link to change the password.
For registering in nuke and vBulletin there's a hack in the hacks forum.

Originally posted by orca
Well, I did it manually. However, the passwords of nuke are encrypted. So I set the password as the member name. After importing the users, I sent a "mass" mail telling them about the move providing the link to change the password.
For registering in nuke and vBulletin there's a hack in the hacks forum.

That is interessting ! I am trying to do the same right now ! But I am really a newbie, could you tell the mysql command to copy the username into the password field and that for every member ?
Thx !

Cya !

I didn't do it via mySQL. What I did was opening the nuke database with phpmyadmin looking at the table users. In a second browser I had the admin panel of vB open and add the user manually using the add function under users.
Alternaively you could also go to edit users in the phpnuke admin and the select one user after another. However, this is a the hard way.
Actually you could write a php script for doing this but I don't have the time right now to do it. As I'm a PHP beginner it would take a bit of tweaking till I got it.

To query the nuke users you could use following command:
SELECT * FROM nuke_users

I really do need to find an other, but the manual way !
I have more then 5000 registered users :)

Well, I guess then you needed the script. I have a slight idea on how to do it but I really don't have the time to do it.
You'd need to get some minor details from the nuke database. I guess username and password would be enough (may also the name).
Actually there are only 2 queries inside a loop necessary.

I am good with running apache, PHP and mysql ..
But I am not a coded, that is why I use PHPNuke ..
yes, but I will try to create a little skript, hopefully it will work :)

Hm is there no addon that totally connects those 2?
Like news are threads , comments are posts / replys and all member information is the same on both things.

Originally posted by firewars
Hm is there no addon that totally connects those 2?
Like news are threads , comments are posts / replys and all member information is the same on both things.

No, there's only a hack which lets you the people register in phpnuke and vBulletin.
However, there's vbPortal at which "merged" nuke and vBulletin. But it's not completely 1 to 1.

if you could create script to do it i willl thank you!!!

Well, if you have the time to wait for about 4 weeks. My exams will only be over then and before that, I don't have the time to write one...

No need for a script, this kind of thing can be handled completly in MySQL.

UPDATE nuke_users SET pass=uname;

There, now all the passwords are the same as the username.

Now, to convert it to a VB user table, an ALTER TABLE query should do the trick, but I'll leave that up to you :-)


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